serie creada por Winsor McCay corresponde a un sueño Nemo —”nadie”, en latín—, el pequeño protagonista de la historieta. Su estructura es bastante original, ya que en todas las páginas, en una viñeta situada en el ángulo inferior derecho, Nemo despierta, de tal manera que en la siguiente página retoma el sueño donde lo había dejado la noche anterior. Una estructura que permite introducir numerosos personajes secundarios y mostrar, con una gran riqueza narrativa, el maravilloso mundo de los sueños. ‘Little Nemo Slumberland’ otorga una importancia vital a lo onírico, por lo que se ha relacionado a su autor, Winsor McCay, con diversos movimientos culturales posteriores, como el surrealismo o la literatura del absurdo.
Además, ‘Little Nemo Slumberland‘ fue uno de los primeros cómics que aprovechó el enorme potencial y magia del color. A través de él,Winsor McCay realiza una exploración exhaustiva de las posibilidades del medio, utilizando multitud de encuadres y jugando con el formato de la página de forma sorprendente. Su obra pone en escena arquitecturas fantásticas, elementos decorativos inspirados en el art nouveau, así como faunas y floras imaginarias en un interminable derroche de imaginación. El éxito de la tira ‘Little Nemo Slumberland’ hizo que incluso se realizasen adaptaciones teatrales en Broadway y un cortometraje de animación homónimo de la historia original de Winsor McCay. Sin embargo, y a diferencia de otros clásicos del cómic, ‘Little Nemo Slumberland’ no era distribuida por sindicatos a otras publicaciones, de modo que su popularidad se debió a la difusión que de ella hizo un solo periódico, centrado en el área de Nueva York.
La obra maestra de Winsor McCay, ‘Little Nemo Slumberland’, inició su publicación en la edición dominical del New York Herald allá por el 15 de octubre de 1905, y continuó apareciendo semanalmente en el mismo diario hasta el 23 de abril de 1911. El 30 de abril de 1911, ‘Little Nemo Slumberland‘ pasó a publicarse en el New York American y otros periódicos propiedad de William Randolph Hearst, bajo el nuevo título de In the Land of Wonderful Dreams. La nueva etapa de la serie se prolongó hasta el 26 de julio de 1914. Una década más tarde, entre 1924 y 1926, Winsor McCay haría reaparecer a su ‘Little Nemo Slumberland’ en las páginas del New York Herald. Eso sí, sin alcanzar el éxito de la primera época del personaje.
Cabe destacar que, además de la adaptación cinematográfica de ‘Little Nemo Slumberland’, Winsor McCay desarrolló´-a partir de la segunda década del siglo- una importante carrera como animador, en la que sobresalen cortometrajes como How a Mosquito Operates (1912), Gertie el dinosaurio (1914), El naufragio del Lusitania (1918) y la inconclusa The Flying House(1921). Su relevancia en la historia del cine de animación es comparable a la de Walt Disney, según las opiniones de diversos expertos en la materia como Chuck Jones.
Google honors Winsor McCay. McCay was an American cartoonist and animator, best known for the comic strip Little Nemo. It was a series of weekly comic strips (1905 — 1914).
The Doodle shows „Little Nemo in Google-Land”. It is an interactive animation.
More about Winsor McCay:
More about Little Nemo:
Absolut amazing creative doodle.
Happy birthday Winsor McCay.
Music: „Five Card Shuffle” by Kevin MacLeod (
With the view to celebrate the 107th anniversary of Winsor McCay’s comic strip series Little Nemo in Slumberland, Google posted an animated, interesting doodle on its homepage. The doodle is the first of its kind to feature an interactive, motion picture comic strip. But, who was Winsor MacCay?
Born on September 26, 1869, Winsor Zenic McCay was an American cartoonist and animator. He was quite known for the comic strip Little Nemo, which began in 1905. Regarded as a comic-strip art masterpiece, the weekly strip first appeared on October 15, 1905 in the New York Herald as Little Nemo in Slumberland and later in New York American as In the Land of Wonderful Dreams.
He was also known for the animated cartoon Gertie the Dinosaur (1914). Due to certain legal reasons, Winsor worked under the pen name Silas on the comic strip Dream of the Rarebit Fiend.
Winsor McCay was originally named Zenas Winsor McKay, in honour of his father’s employer, Zenas G. Winsor. However, he later dropped the name Zenas.
In 1889, McCay went to Chicago to study at the Art Institute of Chicago. But but due to lack of funds, he had to find a job. After working for two years, Winsor moved to Ohio and started working as an artist for Kohl and Middleton’s Vine Street Dime Museum. While in Ohio he married Maude Leonore Dufour.
Winsor McCay’s first major comic strip series was A Tale of the Jungle Imps by Felix Fiddle, and 43 installments published from January to November 1903 in the Cincinnati Enquirer.
But, Windors’s strips Little Nemo and Dream of the Rarebit Fiend, which was published under the pseudonym Silas, were both set in the dreams of their characters. McCay’s cartoons were never highly popular, but his cartoons always had a strong following because of his expressive graphic style.
The interactive and animated Google doodle celebrating the nightly dreams of the little boy called Nemo begins with Nemo dreaming about falling from his bed into a hole and being rescued by Princess Camille. After a series of little adventures, through Google-land (the interactive doodle strip is titled Little Nemo in Google Land) Nemo, as in the actual comic strip, falls out of his bed.
In the different panels of the Winsor McCay Little Nemo Google doodle the letters of the Google logo – G-O-O-G-L-E – appear in a chronological order. Winsor McCay was not only a newspaper cartoonist, but also a pioneer of animated films. He started off as a poster and hoardings artist and later moved to newspaper cartooning.
Winsor McCay died on July 26, 1934 of a cerebral embolism.